5 Things You Need to Know About Kindergarten Number Sense: Easy and Engaging!

A white background with a squiggly shape with a dice on top. The text reads "5 Things you need to know about number sense".
kindergarten number sense activities
Number Sense Activities

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Kindergarten Number Sense

As children start their math journey in kindergarten, it is crucial to develop a strong mathematical foundation based on number sense. A strong understanding of counting, sequencing, and comparing numbers gives students the knowledge they need for more challenging math concepts. 

The Best Math Activities in Kindergarten

Captivating math activities make learning numbers a joyful experience for young learners. First up, we have subitizing activities, where children develop the amazing ability to recognize quantities instantly without counting. Next, we dive into exciting counting games, helping kindergarteners refine their numerical skills while having fun. With 1:1 correspondence activities, kids match objects to numbers, building a solid connection between quantities and numerals. Additionally, we’ll delve into comparing quantities, where children explore concepts of “more” and “less,” honing their understanding of relative sizes. Get ready to discover a treasure trove of engaging math adventures that will pave the way for a lifelong love of numbers! 🌟🧮 Want to learn more about subitizing? Check out this blog post!

Number Sense Activities
Number Sense Activities

Kindergarten Number Sense and Subitizing

Subitizing is the ability to recognize the quantity of a small set of objects without counting them. In other words, it is the rapid and accurate recognition of quantities. For instance, if you see three dots arranged in a triangle, you can quickly identify that there are three dots without counting them one by one. Subitizing helps children develop their number sense and lays the foundation for addition and subtraction. Are you und

Subitizing Activities for Building Number Sense

Subitizing activities are an excellent way to help children build their number sense. You can use objects like dice, dominoes, or playing cards to help children recognize patterns and quantities. Another idea is to use a ten frame, a grid with ten boxes. Children can place objects in the boxes to represent numbers, helping them visualize quantities and develop their subitizing skills. 

Subitizing Math Activities in Kindergarten

Many subitizing math activities can be incorporated into your math kindergarten lessons and math centers. One idea is to use number talks, where students share different ways to represent numbers. You can also use subitizing games, such as “Roll and Say,” where students roll a dice and say the number shown; I love to use roll and trace so students can also practice writing the numbers. There are endless ways to build number sense while having fun!

Building Fluency with 1:1 Correspondence

Another essential concept in kindergarten number sense is 1:1 correspondence. This refers to the ability to match objects to numbers or symbols. For example, if you have five apples, you can count them one by one and match them to the number 5. Building fluency with 1:1 correspondence helps children understand the meaning of numbers and lays the foundation for more complex math concepts.

Understanding Part Part Whole

Part Part Whole is a math concept that helps students understand the relationship between numbers. It involves breaking a number into two parts and then putting them back together to make the whole. For example, if you have five apples, you can break them into 2 and 3 and then put them back together to make five again. This concept helps children develop their number sense and lays the foundation for addition and subtraction.

Math Games Learning Number Sense

Math games are a fun and engaging way to help children develop their number sense. Many games can be played in the classroom or at home, such as “Number Bingo” or “Counting War.” You can also use math worksheets to practice concepts, such as subitizing or 1:1 correspondence. All these activities are an excellent way to make math fun and help children develop their number sense.

A picture of various subitizing games to build number sense shown on a student desk.
Use subitizing games to build number sense

Establishing a strong foundation in kindergarten number sense lays the groundwork for future math success. Introducing engaging concepts like subitizing, 1:1 correspondence, and Part-Part-Whole through math games, activities, and worksheets creates a fun learning environment for children. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of developing kindergarten number sense together! 🌟🧮

You can grab a whole set of low-prep subitizing activities here!

Number Sense Activities
Number Sense Activities

Are you looking for other resources for your number sense lessons? Check these out!

Subitizing Boom Cards for Kindergarten

Kindergarten Number Sense Centers

Michelle Staley

Hi! I’m Michelle!

I am a first-grade teacher from Connecticut. I’m living my best life as a wife and mom to two adorable and hilarious kids. In my spare time, I create resources that make life simpler for teachers and school fun for kids. Thanks for spending some of your valuable free time here with us!

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